Behind the Scene

Here is a clip describing my artwork from a 2014 exhibition at Wave Hill. Bronx,  NY.

A short clip of a 24″ x 26″ linoleum cut of a roaring bear. Printed on Revere Paper all by hand at StoneTriggerPress, Abiquiu, NM.

4 thoughts on “Behind the Scene

  1. Hey Hilllary, Loved that exhale and smile as you pulled the paper off the linoleum! I had an emphasis in printmaking when I was in college and remember well the exhileration and expectation of that first look! I enjoyed looking at your prints and the mixed media pieces.
    Strap on those racing shoes, sounds like you have the competitive spirit burning with your participation in the senior olymics. Good Luck and mix up your training. Steven Vizena


    1. Thanks Steven, it feels good to get that burning desire to compete again. It was not there the last two years, but my legs are waking up and I am excited! Thanks for your comment and I hope all is great with you.


  2. Hey Hilllary, Loved that exhale and smile as you pulled the paper off the linoleum! I had an emphasis in printmaking when I was in college and remember well the exhileration and expectation of that first look! I enjoyed looking at your prints and the mixed media pieces.


    1. Well if you ever want to make some more prints, come on down to NM. Great running, great space for art making. I will be here until August. It is funny, I never realized that I exhaled then smiled. Thank you for pointing that out.


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