Make Books with Me!

Classes, Folded Paper

Beginning Tuesday, March 16, I am teaching a Chapbook Making Class for adults through my good friend Leslie Shipman’s Literary Agency. I have a long history of working with both poets and artists, the book above was a collaboration between myself and Elaine Equi.

This class is for anyone interested in making basic book structures. Over 6 weeks, students learn and practice making several different chapbook designs using stitching and folding techniques. We will explore the pros and cons of different designs based on your specific needs and ideas. Whether you want to make unique books or an edition of 100 or more, you will have the skills and knowledge to confidently create the chapbook for your writing at the end of this class. In the first four weeks of class, you will be learning and practicing various book techniques and then image making.

One sheet linocut book, Pocket Forest

The virtual class offers unlimited interaction and we make the books together. If you are a writer who has always thought about publishing your own chapbook, an artist interested in making books, or a person from a completely unrelated field interested in learning something new, perhaps you want to make journals, this class is for you.

Class is 6:00 to 8:00, March 16 through April 20. It is $300 and you can click here to sign up.

List of Supplies for the First Class:

  1. Several pieces of 18” x 24” paper. It does not need to be precisely that size. You can use a newspaper, brown paper or even wrapping paper.  If an art supply shop is close by, you can get a pad of newsprint paper. 
  2.  Scissors 
  3.  Pencils, pens, markers, crayons, colored pencils, anything you have on hand. 

If you have it, you can add a cutting mat, x-acto knife, glue, cardboard, or heavy board, decorative paper or cloth, (use any rags), but it is not necessary. 

Once you sign up you will receive a specific list of supplies to include such things as: Bone folder, Awl, text weight paper, Cover stock, Bookbinding needle, Small binder clips, ruler, pencil, a simple supplies you may already have.

I hope to see you in class!

Portrait of Hilary Lorenz in her NM Studio by Barbara Yoshida.

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