Damselfly for the Dragonfly, Print #28 of 30

30 prints 30 days, Prints, Small Print Store


I have a damselfly for your dragonfly.  These two beautiful linoleum block prints would look great together. The image is 6″ x 4″ printed on 10″ x 8″ Rives BFK, in an edition of 10 is now on Etsy.

There was gorgeous light coming into my studio today when I photographed the whole edition of damselflies.

Table of DamselFlies

Table of DamselFlies

Did you know that Dragonflies and Damselflies are prehistoric insects, older than the dinosaur. It is true, you can read about it on the San Diego Zoo website.

The damselfly, like the dragonfly is also a rainbow roll color but the damselfly  is yellow to green to blue.

This is day 28 of making one print a day for 30 days. Three of the editions are sold out and there is incredible support to keep going. I never dreamt this would take off like it did, but all of you are amazing to keep coming back, checking out the prints, and giving them great homes. I love the stories you send me and please you are welcome to post photos of your displayed prints on my FB page. On January 30th I will let you know how the project will continue to unfold.

Here are detail thumbnails of all the prints, which you can also see and collect on Etsy.

30 prints in 30 days

30 prints in 30 days


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