30 Prints in 30 Days for $20

30 prints 30 days, Prints, Small Print Store
Bundled up and printing

Bundled up and printing

What is 30 prints in 30 days? Simply it is a challenge for me and an offer to you.

My Challenge: Make one new linoleum block print every single day in the month of January. Draw, carve and hand print up to 10 impressions of a 4″ x 6″ block onto 8″ x 10″ paper. Every single day.

Your offer: I often make room size installations, 6 foot drawings, or complex collages that are either too big, too expensive or just not quite right for some collectors. This is no risk, for the cost of a couple beers you can buy an original hand pulled print, just $20.

Why so inexpensive? This is a launch of a new business model, one where I make like crazy, small works for small budgets.  I only make 10 impression of each block, so they are rare but I  make 300 prints using 30 different blocks over the course of the month, one block a day.

How does it work? Each day at 8pm EST  beginning January 1, 2015 (if I can get my schedule right) I will announce the new print. Only 10 will be available, and there will be a link to Etsy. The first 10 to buy the print gets its and no more of that block will be made. I will mail your print to you within 3 business days.



6 thoughts on “30 Prints in 30 Days for $20

    1. Right now I am in Abiquiu, NM. I just had three big exhibitions one at Wave Hill in NYC, the printmaking center of NJ in NJ and Gallery at Pioneer Bluff in Kansas. You can see a number of my pieces on this website but also at hilarylorenz.com. And if you are in NM you are welcome to visit.


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